Happy Single's Awareness day. Or, if you prefer, Happy Discount-Chocolate Eve!
Another valentines day has come, and once again, I'll be spending it dwelling on the fact that my girlie friends are so much cooler than the other kind. Or at least, that's my excuse for being single once again as this holiday comes and goes. I do not let my lack of romance stop me from enjoying my saturday evening, however. Kyla, my partner-in-crime-and-other-various-activities, and I are planning on making our saturday not-so-depressing. Our plans may be in jeapordy, however, seeing as we forgot to make reservations. Oops. I am having difficulty thinking about what I should get for her as a gift, seeing as she works in a flower shop, and she gets free flowers virtually every shift. Chocolate? No, she always has a stock of those under her bed. Teddy Bear? No, she isn't particularily fond of those. Ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Now, I have slept half my day away, and I still have plenty to do before my evening begins, so I will leave it at this, and wish you all far more luck in love than I have. Merry Valentines!
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